Recovering the ‘Old Style’ Scottish Angus

By using Vintage Semen, closed herds and select sources


Aberdeen Angus
Historical Facts and Links

The Aberdeen-Angus was introduced into America in the 1880’s and soon attained high popularity. The first two American herd books were published in 1886 and 1888 respectively.

Review the following links for an interesting insight into Aberdeen-Angus Cattle History.

Founding Breeders of Scotland



The original records of the HERD Book having been destroyed by a fire in 1851 at the Highland and Agricultural Society’s Museum in Edinburgh was arduously recollected and recommenced in 1857. By 1862 volume 1 was officially published. Attached find volumes 1 thru 92 dating from 1862 to 1969 (incomplete). Provided by Haiti Trust Digital Library.

History of Aberdeen Angus Cattle
Published by London Vinton & Company, Ltd. 8, Bream’s Buildings, Chancery Lane, and E.C. 1910. Written by James McDonald and James Sinclair. It's a very fascinating interactive history book.

The American Angus Hall of Fame - For interesting videos and information visit ‘The World Angus Headquarters’ Box 660, Smithville, MO.

Oklahoma State University - History of Angus

Enlightening history: of cattle sizes and cattle shows


University of Maryland - History of WYE Angus

Dunlouise Angus - Located at Kingston Farm in Angus Scotland. The Dunlouise Herd of what they have called ‘Native Origin Angus’ is the Soutar’s family effort to preserve what they have described as some of the early Cow Family Lines of the Angus breed. For information on their Cow Family Lines

Woodstone Angus Scotch-Irish Conservatory for a historical perspective of the Woodstone preservation efforts

Cow Family Lines


Click for cow family lineage

Closed herd’ since 1959

The following is a letter sent to me from Eddie Draper - Program Manager for WYE Angus at the University of Maryland. It states that WYE has been a ‘closed herd’ since 1959 and has no modern day Angus influence.

Dear Gary,

I guess a brief explanation about the origins of the Wye Herd. The Wye herd was started with the purchase of 18 females and a bull calf, Blakeford Buxton, in 1938. Blakeford Buxton was a combination of Earl Marshall and Blackcap Revolution breeding. 10 of the females were 1/2 sisters, sired by Blackcapper 24th of Page. The remaining 8 females were sired by Blackcap Revolution 5th 534335, Earl Eric 28th 506381, Eastman S. 3rd 481422 and Muskogee Prince 8th 464793, Interesting enough no sons of Blakeford Buxton were ever retained for use. In 1941 and 1946, 2 bulls Juryman of Wickwire and Puck of Wickwire were purchased. In the latter part of the 40's thru the late 50's. 17 Bulls were imported from England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales and in 1959 the herd was closed, as it remains today. With the strong influence of Harvioustoun and Ballindalloch blood that was imported, I guess you could say we have absolutely no "modern day influence" of today's Angus. you can visit our website at to view information on our program or contact me at the farm anytime.

Eddie Draper - Program Manager
Wye Angus - P. O. Box 169, Queenstown, MD 21658

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